It is a set of 48 different cards with a title on the other side and a score, a parable or an anecdote on the other side.
Cards are written in homage to the following thinkers:
Richard Sennett, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Outi Condit, Jacques Rancière, Julius Elo, Lynda Gaudreau, Michel Foucault, Ana Pais, Karolina Kucia, Laura Mulvey, John Berger, Stuart Hall, Shawn Chua, Satu Herrala, Wolfgang Iser, Adam Alston, Vincent Roumagnac, Jenni-Elina von Bagh, Kaino Wennerstrand, Olga Spyropoulou

The last photo Jesper Dolgov, New Performance Turku Biennale 2023. The photos above by Visa Knuuttila.